• URL: https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/docker-getting-started/discussion
  • Working Directory: Documents/Courses/Pluralsight-GettingStartedWithDocker

Module 3 - Installing Docker

Follow docker install from docker.com

Module 4 - Working with Containers

docker info -shows details of the docker server

docker ps - list our running containers

docker ps -a - list all containers, even those that have recently exited

docker images - list all the currently downloaded images

Containers and images

  • images are stopped containers
  • containers are running images

docker pull ubuntu - download latest ubuntu image & store locally

docker pull ubuntu:14.04 - downlaod the 14.4 version

docker rmi ubuntu:14.04 - remove an image

docker start <container> - start a container

docker stop <container> - stop a container

docker rmi <container> - delete a container

Lifecycle of a container

Containers are great for non persistent workloads. They can handle workloads with persistence as well.

docker run -d --name web -p 80:8080 nigelpoulton/pluralsight-docker-ci

  • run a container
  • -d - detached/daemon mode
  • --name - a unique name for the container
  • -p 80:8080 - map port 80 on the docker server to port 8080 in the container.
  • list the image to run

docker stop web - stop our container

docker start web - start our container

docker run -it --name temp ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

  • -it - interactive & terminal
  • run /bin/bash

Cntrl-P+Q - while in a running container to exist without stopping the container. If it’s something like a single process bash container.

docker ps -aq - list all docker processes & show only the dockerID, good to use with other commands to perform actions on sets of servers

docker stop $(docker ps -aq) - stop all containers

docker rm $(docker ps -qa) - rm all containers

Module 5 - Swarm Mode and Microservices

  • Swarm is a group of docker engines in a cluster
  • Multiple managers for H/A
  • worker nodes execute tasks
  • Services
    • delarative way of running & scaling tasks
    • we declare how many we want & docker makes sure it keeps that number running
  • Tasks
    • Assigned to workers
      • containers (could be other things in future)

Building a Swarm

  • 3 managers
  • 3 workers

Create a swarm

docker swarm init - start up a swarm

docker swarm join-token manager - get the token to join another manager

docker swarm join-token worker - get the token to join another worker

docker info - will give details on swarm config

A manager is also a worker node

docker node ls - can only be run from a manager. will list the nodes of a swarm

docker node promote <ID> - promote a worker to a manager


  • simplifying large scale deployments
  • declarative
    • desired state <-> actual state

docker service create --name psight1 -p 8080:8080 --replicas 5 nigelpoulton/pluralsight-docker-ci - deploy a new service using port 8080 in the container & exposed. Create 5 tasks/replicas

docker service ls - list out the services, high level

docker service ps psight1 - show processes for the service, details of where the task is running

docker service inspect psight1 - shows all the config of the service

The swarm members are load balanced by docker via the routing mesh.

Desired State Scaling

docker service scale psight1=7 - scale our service up to 7 tasks

docker service update --replicas 10 psight - same as docker service scale psight=10

Adding a new node/worker doesn’t automatically scale existing tasks across the new node.

Rolling Updates

docker network create -d overlay ps-net - create an overlay network

docker network ls - list networks

docker service inspect -pretty psight2 - show the service info

Stacks & Distributed Application Bundles (DAB)

  • Stack - application comprising multiple services
    • deployed from distributed application bundles (DAB)

config for a stack is in docker-compose.yaml file.

docker-compose bundle - will build a docker-compose.yaml into a DAB

docker stack tasks <appname> - list all the tasks for a service

docker stack rm <appname> - delete the stack app

Modeul 6 - What’s Next!

  • Related courses
    • Docker Deep Dive - Nigel Poulton
    • Docker with DevOps Automated Workflows - Nigel Poulton
    • Docker for Web Developers - Dan Wahlin
    • CD using Docker and Ansible - Justin Menga
  • DockerCon